
Zé Morgadinho


Zé Morgadinho

A former fisherman’s house, facing the Alvor Estuary between the old fish market and the port, is where you will find the charismatic Zé Morgadinho Restaurant.
Boasting a magnificent location, the restaurant features two open-air seating areas and a small indoor dining room. The walls of the latter are decorated with old photos that bring back memories of Alvor and its people. You will be charmed by the restaurant’s fresh and authentic flavours and its genuine Algarve character.

Informações Úteis


Open everyday


Seafood, Mediterranean and Portuguese




40 pax


+351 282 459 144


Rua Padre Mendes, 8500-022 Alvor

Restaurante Zé Morgadinho Alvor

The fishermen who gather in the area help maintain the picturesque ambience of this restaurant in Alvor. The house in which it operates was built in 1890 and the façade has been preserved to this day.
In a restaurant where you practically have your feet in the water, it is hardly surprising that fresh fish and seafood from the estuary take pride of place on the menu. Highlights of this typical seaside menu include the fish stew, razor clams with small pasta, fried octopus with clams and maize porridge with baby clams. And Zé Morgadinho’s wine list is irreproachable.
On the pleasant summer evenings, there is live music, so as well as a great meal you can also have fun and enjoy the cool sea breeze in one of the most iconic restaurants in Alvor.



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